April 28, 2009

Shortness of breath [Pathology]

Study the picture below

A) Name the specimen (2m)

B) How do you identify the specimen. (3m)

C) What pathological condition can be seen on the specimen (1m)

D) What is your diagnosis base on the specimen (2m)

E) Name two predisposing factor (2m)


A) Right lungs

B) 1) 3 lobes (superior, middle and inferior)

2) 2 fissures (transverses and oblique)

3) Presence of the hilum of the lung

C) 1)Varying size of subpleural bullae and cyst

2) air filled cyst-like or bullae like.

D) Emphysema

E) 1) Smoking

2) α1 – Antitrypsin deficiencies.

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