Counted based on LMP, therefore must follow Nigeal’s Rule which is
1) Regular menses
2) Not on hormonal contraceptive
3) Not breast feeding.
1) Find LMP
2) Minus date of clerking with LMP
3) The months show additional day and week based on above tables
4) Change the months and day into week and then plus with additional day and week.
Date of clerking: 25/8/08
LMP: 3/4/08
POA: 4 months 22 days
4 months = + 1 week 2 days
Therefore, 4 months (16W)+ 1 week + 2days + 22 days (3W+ 1days)
= 20W+ 3days.
salam wbt
ReplyDeleteboleh tanye tak?
kenapa 4 months = + 1 week 2 days?
kepada haykalis hamka
ReplyDeletewsalam w.b.t..
untuk rumus ini sebenarny begini. bagi mengira POA. untuk setiap 3 bulan perlu ditambah dengan 1 minggu.
4 bulan bersamaan dengan 3 bulan + 1 bulan
1 bulan = (1/3 daripada 3 bulan = 2.3 hari. bila dibundarkan menjadi 2 hari)
sama la jugak dengan 5 bulan = 3 bulan + 2 bulan
2 bulan = (2/3 3 bulan) = 4.6 hr. dibundrkan menjadi 5 hari.
sekian terima kasih
waw.. complicatednye..
salam... POA tu kan, kami dapat 19/52 + 3 days... tanye kawan2 pun dapat yg same..
ReplyDeleteto lailyvia
ReplyDeletewsalam wbt.
boleh saya tahu mcm mana saudari kira.. mungkin perbincangan ini dpt menguragkan keraguan kedua belah pihak.. t-q
daripada date of clerking 25/8/2008.
ReplyDeleteLMP 3/4/2008..
Bulan 4 ada 30 hari so sy tolak 30-3=27
bulan 5=4 minggu
bulan 6=4 minggu
bulan 7=4 minggu
total = 12 minggu
bulan 8= 25 hari
25+27=52 hari=7 minggu 3 hari
so sy tambah 12 minggu + 7 minggu 3 hari = 19 minggu 3 hari
19/52 + 3/7
Betul tak? kalau salah mintak betulkan.. saya pun masih belajar.
Terima kasih :)
to lailyvia
ReplyDeleteyou can calculate it manually. dah betul dah cara tu.. however you forget one important step.. utk setiap 3 bulan, you kena tambah satu minggu..
ade explaination dia kenapa kna tambah 1 minggu for every 3 months tp sy x ingt..
untuk confirmkan lagi, u boleh cuba guna gestational chart...
saya cm pening la cara awak kre POA nih....huhuhuhu
ReplyDeletesy cuma nk bg ilmu cket je.
sy dpt ni dr MO HKL yg byk mengajar kami during posting o&g.
to count POA:
3 months = 13 weeks
2 months = 8 weeks 5 days
1 months = 4 weeks 2 days
tp sy x tnya mcm mana dia dpt formula ni. so xle la nk tau resource nye. hope this can help u to calculate the POA..
sy 3rd yr medical student, skg posting o&g. hm, yg sy blaja plak every 2months need to add another 1week. berbeza dgn saudara yg 3months baru tmbh 1 week.
ReplyDeletei got it..acun kte rs awk silap tgok kot..
ReplyDeleteSalam to all. :)
ReplyDeleteI think the reason why we add 1 week for every 3 months is because Gregorian calendar says one month has 30-31 days (except Feb) or if in weeks, about 4.33 weeks.
Sedangkan kita assume dalam normal LMP one month ada 4 weeks je. So, maknanya we have about 0.33 week ( 2-3 days) missing each month. We have to correct this loss.
Actually this 0.33 week loss akan menjadi 1 week lepas tiga kali round, or three months (0.33 + 0.33 +0.33 = 1 week).
Sebab tu every 3 months, kita correctkan defect tu dengan add 1 week tadi. Meaning: 4 week + 4 week +4 week +1 week = 3 months
Allahu a'lam. Its pretty straightforward actually, I think. Correct me if I am wrong, thanks.
salam to all..
ReplyDeletethanks for ur enlightment.. basically answer giving by our bro zuhairi is the best berkenaan dgn tmbah hari tu..
it's utk cukupkan hari je..
sebenarnya kalau ikut rumus yg diberi oleh O&G specialist, utk setiap 3 bulan, perlu tambah satu minggu sahaja.. walaubagaimanapun, bila check balik, selalu ada mistake bila compare dgn gestational chart kalau x tambah utk hari tu skali.. so table kt atas tu hanya sebagai alternative la..itu pun diberi oleh seorang specialist O&G jugak
walaubagaimanapun, mengikut kata specialist lain, kalau just nak stick to the old rule pun ok.. just tambah seminggu utk every 3 months
thank you so much...
satu lg utk anonymous;
ReplyDelete3 months = 13 weeks
2 months = 8 weeks 5 days
1 months = 4 weeks 2 days
sebenarnya kalau ikut table yg kat atas tu, ia akan dapat exactly spt apa yg HO tempat anonymous ajar tu...
Salam.. after some revision, I found out that this method has some discrepancy with shortage of 2-3 days. Therefore, it is not suitable to be used in exam.. I will post other method later. The manual method that I learn from my friends.
ReplyDeleteHowever, this method still can be used in practice to estimate the week of pregnancy. After all, the intervention for pregnant mother will include and estimation of + one week of error in calculating the POA. For example why induction of labour in diabetic mother with insulin or c-sec being planned at 38w. because after consideration of error in POA calculation. The age of baby will be at range of 37w-39w which is still in term range.
But I will still outline the method of calculating the POA based on this method.
Ok.. from ur question,
So the period during your LMP to date of clerking would be
20/5-20/8 = 3 months
20/8 – 18/9 = 29 days
So equal to 3 months (3X4w= 12w) + (7 days from the table) + 29 days (equal to 4W + 1d)
=12W+ 1W+ 4W+ 1d= 17W +1d……… from the gestational chart, the POA would be 17W+ 3days…
Salam to make it simple we refer the month as in lunar days which is 28 days per month
ReplyDeleteHence for 1 month its taken as 28 days but in fact we are left like 2+3 days left
So in consideration to this, we assume in 3 consicutives month is similar to 13 weeks not 12 weeks, I hope this help
Salam to make it simple we refer the month as in lunar days which is 28 days per month
ReplyDeleteHence for 1 month its taken as 28 days but in fact we are left like 2+3 days left
So in consideration to this, we assume in 3 consicutives month is similar to 13 weeks not 12 weeks, I hope this help
mcm mana nk kira kalau tahun lain lain contohnya:
ReplyDeleteLMP : 21/8/2015
Clerking date :1/5/2016
rule ni akan lebih nampak kalau guna jari. baru orang boleh nampak sikit kot (3 partition kat jari kita tu mewakili 4 minggu) thats why satu jari is 12 minggu. and also, (1 patition kat jari kita tu pulak equal to 2-5-7 days respectively).