July 1, 2010

A Guide for Clinical Year USM [Neurosurgery posting]

Peace be upon all of you,

Neurosurgery is a very specialized field and it’s a minor posting with 2 week duration during fourth year. It is merely an introduction to you about neurosurgery. The rotation is just after psychiatric posting.

Basically you have one week for neurosurgery and one week for neuroscience.

It’s a ‘honey moon’ or heavenly made posting for you. However, it’s a very precious moment and it would be a waste if you didn’t focus on it.

Yes, the requirement is not tough compared to other posting but don’t make it as an excuse for you not to study it. So far, only one or two people fail this posting for the past few years.

Be pro active and take chance to scrub in OT room. Don’t forget to examine neuro case because it’s very interesting. USM is a center for neurosurgery for east coast so far. Maybe later IIUM will follow us since two of our great specialist just migrated there.

Ok what do you need for this posting?

a) Guide book in neurosurgery by Neurosurgery dept.

This book will be given on first day you are registered as 4th year med student. It will guide you on what topic to be stress on, nice to know topic and what should you study during this course.

b) PE Set

i. Stethoscope

ii. 2 pen torch

iii. Tendon hammer

iv. Cranial nerve examination set ( can borrow it from ward)

c) Reference book

i. Illustrated textbook for neurology and neurosurgery would be more than enough for you.

Requirement for the Posting

a) Log book

i. No minimum requirement but at least do not leave it blank.

b) Clinical teaching

ii. Occasionally. Some lecturer may replace it with class on CT scan and MRI reading or short case examination.

c) Clinic

Just attach to any doctor and take active part in discussion and perform physical examination.

d) Ward rounds

Cover the patient before morning round to get more benefit. Be proactive during morning round by discussing the case and management of the patient with specialist. You need to cover patient at 2 Intan, 2 Delima, 3U, 1S and 2S.

e) OT

As what I mention before, try to scrub in during the OT session.

f) Seminar

Each of you will be divided into small group to present seminar topic. Therefore, each of you will have a chance to do a presentation. Divide yourself accordingly and discuss with the tutor on what aspect you should cover.

Attendance is COMPULSARY.

g) Case write up

You need to submit only one case write up.

h) On call

On call is at 2 Delima (neuro HDU). You may follow the MO to the casualty if there are new cases.

i) End posting exam

i. MCQ and SEQ only. It’s a very easy question. plus, most of the past year question will come out.

Notes: Make sure all of you know how to access GCS PROPERLY after finish this rotation.


  1. Salam.

    Next week I'll be posting at Neurosurgery. Thx for the info~ Really helpful. I am forwarding this to my friends.

  2. wsalam wbt
    thanks for dropping by. semoga sumbangan x seberapa ini dapat membantu adik2 semua.

    all the best and enjoy your clinical year.. learn as much as u can and take this oppurtunity to learn as much as possible (hehe. walaupun sebonarnye saya ni malas lebih2)


Ya Allah! Permudahkanlah aku untuk menuntut ilmuMu, memahaminya, mengingati dan menyebarkannya. Berkatilah ilmu itu dan tambahkanlah ia. Amin.