December 22, 2010

An Infant of Diabetic Mother

You are houseman on call in NICU and need to accompany Medical Officer on call to attend a baby of the diabetic mother who was just born via spontaneous vaginal delivery with birth weight 4.78 kg and not vigorous.


1)What are the further histories that you would like to obtain?
2)What complication that you expect in infant born to the diabetic mother
3)Explain the pathophysiology of one metabolic complication in infant of diabetic mother.
4)Targeted blood sugar level in baby and complication of hypoglycemia.
5)What are the causes of respiratory distress syndrome in infant of diabetic mother
6)How do you manage this baby

for answer to this question, click [here]


  1. other pathophysiology of hypoglycemia in infant of diabetic mother
    1) increased peripheral insulin receptors
    2) reduced glucagon response to postnatal hypoglycemia
    3) delayed evocation of hepatic gluconeogenic pathways

  2. other causes that can cause respiratory distress
    1) polycythemia
    2) hypoglycemia
    3) congenital heart disease

  3. Thank you arul for the update.. i will add it up to the answer....


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