January 2, 2012

Ectopic Pregnancy Ultrasound


  1. salam doc,myb my question is out of ur topic here but i really hope u will answer it..

    i have a plan to do my housemanship in sabah,can u give me some pro and cons if i do my ho there based on ur experience ? thnks a lot doc!

    u can send me the reply to this email : eiyda_princez@yahoo.com.my or rosalexa89@yahoo.com

    i really appreciate ur times to reply this.

  2. salam..tq for this entry! can u do a post on how to effectively study medicine? i'm having difficulty to relate things that i have read.how to survive clinical years


Ya Allah! Permudahkanlah aku untuk menuntut ilmuMu, memahaminya, mengingati dan menyebarkannya. Berkatilah ilmu itu dan tambahkanlah ia. Amin.