is 60 years old gentleman with known case of cancer head of pancreas and
undergone Whipple procedure 3 years ago. Currently he presented with increasing
in lethargy, loss of appetite and reduce weight. Examine the Gastrointestinal
system and tell me the provisional diagnosis.
General Examination
proceeding with specific examination, you should do a very quick general
inspection and examination. look at patient general condition, mental status
whether he is well alert and conscious or not, functional status of the
patient, hydrational and nutritional
status, signs of chemo / radiotherapy side effects. Examine also any peripheral
sign of gastrointestinal problem like bleeding tendency or stigmata of liver
disease, any clubbing or leukonychia. any flapping tremor.
proceed with examination of the abdomen. Starting with inspection then proceed
with palpation, percussion and auscultation.
inspection, the exposure is not adequate. By right he should be exposed well
from the nipple line to the mid thigh. But for patient's modesty, then the
exposure is acceptable. Patient appears to be cachexic. The abdomen is flat
with upper midline incision scar. It is well healed with keloid formation.
There is presence of mass at the right subcostal region measuring about 3X3 cm,
rounder, regular margin, no skin changes, no punctum and there is presence of dilated
vein below it. Apart from that, there is no hyperpigmentation of the abdomen,
no other surgical scar, no other dilated vein and no visible peristalsis. Do
not forget to ask patient to cough to look for inguinal and incisional hernia.
should palpate the abdomen and then examine the lump. Look for any hepato
splenomegally or any other palpable nodule. In this patient, he actually have
another two small subcutaneous nodule underneath the incisional scar. The scar
should also be examined for it's integrity and hernia that is not well
visualized upon cough impulse. Then ballot the kidney. Next is to examine the
lump. In this patient, the lump is firm to hard in consistency, not fixed to
the skin, non mobile, fixed to the underlying structure, non tender and the
translumination test is negative.
look for any ascites or any underlying mass.
for the bowel sound, any bruit.
Complete the
complete the abdominal examination, you should inform the examiner to do the
per rectal examination. In this case, you must also completing the examination
by doing the respiratory examination and genitourinary examination.
Provisional Diagnosis.
diagnosis for this patient is Recurrence of Ca Head Of Pancreas with
subcutaneous nodular metastasis. To confirm your finding, you should order of
CT TAP (Thorax, Abdomen, Pelvis) and do the histopathology examination (FNAC or
Trucut biopsy from the mass).
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